Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 15-Seeing MYSELF in the mirror

I have worn glasses for years. I like my glasses. I like how I look in them and I know how I look in them. But I decided it was time to not need them, so I got contacts. With my contacts I can look in the mirror and really see my self. Which is weird. It is almost like looking at someone different. My glasses have almost been a mask for me; they remove me one more step from the person I am talking to. I realized that my glasses are one in a long line of mask I put up. But where does the mask end and I begin? Are my masks actually just pieces of me that I project more than others? Do I use my eccentricities, my friends, and even my beliefs as masks? Are they even masks at all?
  So I made a case for my glasses. It is a reminder to take my mask off every once in a while. (It looks better in person) To make it I used a cheap basic case. I also altered a picture of glasses to look the way I like it. I sealed it with decopage and sprinkled glitter over it.

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